Thursday, November 5, 2009

A Reception Venue Run-Off

I am throwing this to the forum and want to see what everyone is thinking. As of now, both places are available and we are on hold for first dip for May 1st. We are thinking of having a 75 people reception, starting at around 4 PM and lasts into the night (4 hours).

Here is the guided decision making from Excel. I am trying my best not to be that biased, but it still clearly shows my preference, huh?

Pat O'Briens

OK, these pictures don't actually do them justice. Try your best to imagine the rooms if you seen both rooms on larger size images.

Outer facade (courtesy of Flickr)


and the view from it at night

Please keep your comments coming! Thanks!


  1. Nda...udah pernah cobain makanannya sendiri blon? Kok kl di review2 justru yg dibilang enak dan worth it si Casa Rio itu ya? Btw kok Casa Rio gak jd di consider Nda? Terus dia bakal provide taplak dan chair cover Nda? Si Rio2 ruangannya terlihat jauh lbh bagus gara2 dia kasih table cloth dan chair cover...khekekek..

  2. Casa Rio makanannya Tex Mex juga kan, Vy, trus sit down. Jadinya gimana ya, agak aneh makanan Mexico tapi ada course2-nya gitu. Gua agak males sebenernya Tex Mex. Trus juga tempatnya bagusan Rio-Rio. Nggak tau deh dikasih table cloth & chair cover apa enggak...

    Yang O'Brien's secara makanan lebih gourmet (dan overall lebih murah fee2 lainnya). Ada display cheese, fruit gitu, trus ada dip station, ada carving station. Ruangan dalemnya juga lebih decorative...

  3. Tul Nda... kl diliat dr comparison table nya sih keliatannya yg O'Briens you get more for your money... apalagi ada display appetizer dan dip station.. itu jg mempercantik ruangan Nda...ihihihi.... oh ya... plus ada fireplace dan piano...hmmmmmmmmmm..... Ucok bs provide spectacular LIVE wedding entertainment!!! woohoooo...... ;)))

  4. Nda.. gua sih personally demen O'Brien's krn gua demen yg simple2.. tp dr luar kok jelek ya? mereka ga ngadep ke river ya? yg Rio2 pas malem baguss...ada lampu2 gitu.. romantis :D

  5. :D

    Iya, dari luar emang kayak downtown abis gitu. Tapi begitu masuk dalem ada dancing fountain dan pas naik ke atas ketemulah ruangan2 cantik nya.
    Nggak terlalu ngadep River sih, keliatan dikit ujung nya dari patio. Dia pas di jalanan.


  6. Ndaaa.. aku suka Rio2 better. Cuman lebih mahal yah dari O'Brien. It's prettier though.. I love the arch and the fact that it's by the riverwalk. For some reason I don't like tembok merahnya O'Brien entah mengapa :D.

  7. Current count: Rio Rio 1, O Brien's 3. Hi hi hi.
    Makasih, Ingrid....

  8. Nda, klo diliat dari warna pilihan ente buat flowers... kayaknya lebih bagus di Rio2.

    But then, I just saw ur post today... soal kerjaan. So, maybe the church hall would be nice as well. Churchnya bagus kok ... warnanya juga sesuai. Mungkin hallnya warnanya sama.
